Saturday, February 2, 2013

Homemade lip gloss

Never again will you want to buy expensive lip gloss after you try this!
I bought this beeswax here &
you can fnd these essential oils here

When you melt the wax, be careful as it can get everywhere. You will want to buy a grater that will only be for the wax. (it will not wash off)
I also like using chop sticks as my tool for stirring the ingredients.
You will need
Two Tablespoons of grated beeswax
One Tablespoons of Coconut oil
One teaspoon of a good I used Walnut oil. 
Place the beeswax, Walnut oil and coconut oil in a glass bowl over a double boiler and melt together.
If you would like a lil color add a hunk of your favorite color lipstick and for a lil extra shimmer add some white/pearl eye shadow. Once melted remove from the heat immediately as you don't want it to turn rancid.
I poured the concoction into a measuring cup that had a good makes it easier to poor into these cute lil lip gloss holders.
This would also be a good time to add your essential oils into the measuring cup and stir... The oils would burn off too fast if you placed it in the double boiler
 I just made another batch with these ingredients...
*Blood Orange olive oil
*Orange Blossom water

1 comment:

Ulyth said...

I love Orange anything! Yum