Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My "fear" friend

Follow you fears, they can teach you many things...
I like to give myself permission to feel my Fear feelings, even allow them to stay a while, just as long as I remember to let them go. Hopefully before they are running a muck. It can easy for me to forget them or get used to them hanging around as I can be a flibbery giblet sometimes...before I realize it they can sort of become a permanent fixture in my home if I'm not to careful. 
I want fear to be my friend, not the lingering friend that always comes over to visit and doesn't know when to leave but the kind of friend whom I love dearly but say... will only tolerate so much before  they must leave my space,  as if to sense I may be sacrificing my own personal boundary, my integrity, my honesty, my passions.
When I forget about them...(aka hide from them) fear will always be there for me when I'm ready to forge my way through to the other side.
 I can and will love my "fear" friend, I will dance with it, use it to learn from as this friend really is here to teach me which way to follow...
I will put it to great use.
To follow my fears and I can never go wrong...
How do you work with your fears?


Renée said...

Very good post! I have not faced my fears yet. Too scared. Wrote them down but not able to see a way to deal with them.
But I applaud your approach! Very brave :)

Unknown said...

What a fun way to think about fears... hanging out with them and dancing with them. I really love it.

Indigene said...

You've given me a different way to look at fear. Now, if I can only stay in the room long enough to dialog! :) Baby steps...baby steps...

Unknown said...

Love your attitude towards your fears. Gave me something to think about. Thankyou. xx Jo