Monday, August 13, 2012

This man

This man...

*Loves me unconditionally

*Takes great pleasure in surprising me with big & lil adventures

*Does all the "husband duties" without me having to ask

*Is planning our long awaited honeymoon with great attention to details

*Supports me in all things serious and not so serious

*Vacuum's the house like nobody's business
(Seriously...he could find dirt in a facilities clean room!)

*Is sarcastically funny like no body's business

*Has beautiful "orange" hair

*Loves our animals to the moon and back

*He is consistent

* He is honest

* He is the hardest working man I think Ive ever known

* And the most patient

* He is my husband, my partner and my best friend

Happy Birthday Love!

Tell me about your partner...I would LOVE to know

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