Sunday, March 4, 2012


Lavender Lemon cupcake made by Rachel...yummoow!

The family's first grand baby is about to make his entrance into this world any day now and it is so exciting to be a witness to. No this is not our child as I humbly step aside to see my big brother become a poppa for the first time. Being a new wifeey it also makes my heart smile when I over hear my husband talking baby with the poppa to be....oh so sweet. I can see his heart expanding in new ways as this is his first time being on the road to poppa hood someday and having a good friend to share it with.

I truly don't think I have ever seen my bro as happy as he is now in this moment, a father to be and married to his sweetheart. So very proud of that guy!
He found his soul partner whom I dearly love and cherish.
We are one blessed family!

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