Wednesday, January 2, 2013

my latest craft craze

You can do it while snuggling with your hubby on the couch, you can do it in the car, you can do it while you wait for your next client to arrive....its FELTING!
My mom signed up for this gals class ,  i was buried with books and school and couldn't attend but my moms motivation was INSPIRING!
You can bet your tushy I'm gonna sign up for the next class!
This lil beauty i made is for a baby . I snuck a bell inside too.
You can wash it in the washer and dryer, teething babies can chew on them, dogs can chase them.
The base (white part) is made from a  local Arizona Navajo-Churro organization.
Are you guys felters? If so I would love to see your work.
My next felting project to perfect is soap exfoliates, lathers and its unique! Here is a gal I found on Etsy who has some stunning felt work...

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