Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My latest lil piece of art..tiny yet significant

Crafty goodness

My my my I have been in such a productive crafty mood! Since I have been on break from school life has slowed down enough to catch my breath, fill my cup and renew my mojo. Here are pictures of some of the wonderful things that I've been up to...

I made these adorable house pants out of 2 pillow cases

 My famous Jammy Jam in the making
♥The complete product ♥

 Home*made Strawberry Ice cream...ohhh man

This post was from earlier in the summer and for some reason I left it behind...But it's never too late as now with school, new office & wedding planning I've been on a roll today!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Alaska Adventures

Doesn't this place make you want to just cozy up with a good book or a girly outing

One of my favorite places in Alaska....Homer. You must visit the spit and throw rocks in the ocean

Im a happy girl
Do you see what I see?

Our dear friend Miss. Carol is passionate about her "Junk Yard Art"...*Love*

The vibrant colors of Alaska are awe inspiring♥

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So gushy I have been for this man right beside me!
 I am so beyond giddy to be his wife and he my husband
following our hearts in this beautiful life we share... 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Some exciting news

Oh yes, yes he did!
July 9, 2011 my honey man asked me to marry him in one of the most romantic places here in the valley... and I was totally surprised!
So very excited to continue walking on this journey with him.
♥I am blessed♥